Adjustment using specialized instruments are gaining popularity among patients and practitioners due to its ease of use and safety features.
Dr. Myava’s focus on chronic pain developed after years of watching patients in her highly successful multidisciplinary clinic. They all had discomfort somewhere in their body, and therapy would work for a while, but it wasn’t giving patients life-long results. Dr.Myava believes everyone should live their life free of pain. She changed her approach and dedicated her career to helping patients find the root cause of their chronic discomfort, with close to 100 percent success.
At AVENANT HEALTH, we can address and fix your chronic pain using several methods. We have programs to decrease inflammation, using class 4 lasers to accelerate healing where the laser is applied. Advanced spinal decompression helps patients with neck and back pain restore the disc height and remove the nerve stress. As a result, we relieve discomfort in that area.
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